Take action! Call for a moratorium on logging in mature and old forests

Join Blue Mountains Biodiversity Project and our allies in calling for a moratorium on logging in mature and old forests! Add your name to this sign-on letter. 

We are asking the Biden administration to: 

  • Establish a moratorium on logging all mature and old-growth forests on federally managed land until such a time as permanent and legally binding protections for these forests are in place.
  • Ensure that agencies identify logging as a primary threat to these forests in upcoming Old Growth analyses and Environmental Impact Statements for the Forest Service (USFS) and related rulemaking for Bureau of Land Management (BLM) lands.
  • Establish requirements for agencies to include mature forests in developing policies to protect older forests on federal public lands, as per E.O. 14072. Given that only a small percentage of old growth forests remain, it is imperative to provide strong and durable protections for mature forests, in addition to old forests, to ensure a supply of future old growth. Thus far, agencies have excluded mature forests in their initial analyses. 
  • Require the FS and BLM to comply with the direction and intent of Biden’s Executive orders as part of current and future Forest Plan revisions and amendments to ensure that protections for mature and old forest are strengthened—not undermined or weakened—in future Forest Plans. 
  • Reduce or eliminate the annual timber targets set by the Forest Service and BLM. This will reduce pressure on forest managers to meet specific harvest quotas, for which they rely on logging large trees and intensive logging practices. 

Add your name to this sign-on letter. 

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